About George Shepherd

George Shepherd has written 16 books on Africa and Human Rights. The first won the Anisfield-Wolf award. Dr. Shepherd graduated from the University of Michigan. He completed his Ph.D. in politics at the London School of Economics in 1953. He then spent two years in Uganda with African farmers' cooperatives.

After George helped to advance African freedom in Uganda, he became the first Director of the American Committee on Africa. During the Kennedy era he joined the Graduate School of International Studies at the Univeristy of Denver. For more than thrity years Professor Shepherd taught African Politics and Human Rights studies. Now he lives in Golden, Colorado where he is currently working on Global Free Citizen Rising, his latest publication, and supporting African liberty and justice in association with Africa Today Associates, Africa Action and global human rights groups like Amnesty International.  He is also working on a second edition of his book on progressive populism in America titled Popular Politics: Renewing Democracy for a Sustainable World.